Monday, February 20, 2012

finished video

Alright. I finally put some sound to it and I think it might be finished now. I think I'm going to put a different title to it. Not "baby steps" - that was just the phrase that inspired the whole thing.

As far as sound with the other ones...Some I like without the sound. I think the first video I posted with the flour is much more powerful without sound.

In other news, I've also started a new project. I have a sheet of fabric perhaps about 10 feet long. I am embroidering text into it that I've written that are like letters to my father. They're not legible because I'm using this thread I found somewhat like fishing line and it tangles a lot (which is good). I will be wrapping myself in it every night for at least a month - hopefully to have some evidence of living with it. The whole piece circles around the idea of living with something. 


  1. Caitlin, this is scary and it makes me nervous.

    I had the sound up loud. The only suggestion I can think of is to fade the sound in softer at the beginning, then towards the middle make it louder, almost obnoxious, and then at the end fade it out more than it already does.

    I love to see your progression. It's inspiring.

    1. Thanks Gina. I think my computers speakers are very quiet or something because I fiddled with it a little, but I guess not enough. I like the suggestion. I'll try it out on another computer to change it.

  2. Hey Caitlin,

    I love the reversal - the backwards movement in this one. Somehow walking off screen seemed an inconclusive way to end. Tracing things backwards to the beginning really makes sense, in every way. The sound is hard for me to make out - something between breathing and a locker slamming shut. I like that I can't figure it out.

    The video with your hand is interesting as well. It makes me think of those times (I think we all have them) when you look at a part of your body, see the veins, bone etc., and remember what we're really made of. It's something we don't identify with often. We think of ourselves in all kinds of ways (personality, status, intelligence, etc) but have to be reminded that the only thing concrete about who we are is WHAT we are. It always makes the miracle of being embodied with life so present. At the same time, at the end of the video, it almost seems like your hand is becoming a character, like a puppet. It takes on some kind of personhood in and of itself. Pretty interesting!

    Looking forward to the next meeting. Keep posting here in the keeps everyone in the loop.

