Deer guts are completed and in the deer! Next is a hand-embroidered ribcage and finally, the antlers! This project was a lot of fun to make and look at. It's like a cuddly, but gross body pillow.
The subdural space (or subdural cavity) is an artificial space created by the separation of the arachnoid mater from the dura mater as the result of trauma, pathologic process, or the absence of cerebrospinal fluid as seen in a cadaver. (Wikipedia)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
What's for dinner?
Newest sculpture! 'Prize' is a recreation of a gutted deer. In this work I am directly referencing my hometown of enthusiastic hunters and the value of a dead deer. The outside is a tan suede and the inside is a ribbed gold and pink. I have yet to make antlers - they are on their way! And might make some entrails too. Size is roughly 4.5 feet.
Happy Friday everyone!
Monday, April 15, 2013
The value of pie
Finally completed (or just about completed) this pie sculpture. Not only did my father tell us of his love for pie every time he was in front of one, but I can remember growing up in the community that I did and pie was like a secret weapon currency of the women. You wanted something done? - you made a pie. Materials: the outside is made of felt, what I consider to be the most humble of fabrics. The inside however, contains rich, raspberry pink chiffon and crystals to act as the filling and berries (which practically represent real value in my community - while fresh berries were abundant, it was almost competition to find the freshest and tastiest). The plate underneath is made of royal blue velvet a if presenting the pie on a ceremonial pillow. I may be adding some more smaller "berries" but I'm very excited to have this ready to post!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
the new artistic medium...
Sunday, March 3, 2013
What's your function?
I believe, in some way, the function of my art is the function of all art: research and experimentation. We are like scientists in the things we make. We set up a hypothesis or idea that creating this thing will say that thing, and then we follow through with the experiment. The theories we may discover can be up for discussion or peer review. Why must we insist on the separation of art and science? We use the same thought progress, follow-through, presentation, and follow-up. In a way, art is like theoretical physics, presenting new possible rules and ideas that have the option to be refuted, disputed, encouraged, or fought for.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Janice's Philadelphia debut!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013
writing about writing
Thursday, January 17, 2013
"I dreamed of a nest in which the trees repulsed death."
I have a stack of books almost a foot high that I am working my way through:
Victor Burgin In/Different Spaces
Guy Debord Society of the Spectable
Jun'ichiro Tanizaki In Praise of Shadows
Martin Heidegger Being and Time
Deluze and Guattari A Thousand Plateaus
Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary
Michael Cunningham The Hours
Gaston Bachelard The Poetics of Space
I started with the last in this list: Bachelard. Bachelard breaks down the secrets of spaces, starting with the house (childhood home) and continuing to drawers, corners, nests, shells, etc. In my interpretation, Bachelard references to the home does not end with the first chapter but continues to apply throughout the entire book. His chapter on nests however, particularly interested me. The obsession that comes with building a nest. The imagination that occurs when we find a nest, both full and empty. The mindset that we obtain upon finding a nest in the garden or the forest floor:
This one is finished. |
detail |