Saturday, February 25, 2012

rough edges

So this is the newest video. It's really rough and I'll probably do it over again, but I want to get in better practice of posting on here and posting some kind of video every week. The past two weeks were really rough, but I'm looking for ways to get into a better and more regular studio practice (especially since my work schedule became much fuller).

So I was at Utrecht last week and saw this gold mylar and absolutely had to have it! It is beautiful, and so reflective. I decided I wanted to use it as a background for some new videos.
I started thinking about the book I have been reading, "Severance" - the writer puts together two seemingly separate ideas: 1. The head remains conscious for 1.5 minutes after decapitation. 2. In a state of high emotion, we speak 160 words per minute.The video is just me sitting for 1.5 minutes - what goes through my mind? What am I thinking? How do I interact with my surroundings? It is an idea I would like to develop a little more, but something about the rawness of this particular video I like. Again, I know, no sound. A lot of times I change the speed in my videos and my program deletes the sound once I make that change. It's something I will be working on. Unless the video works without sound...thoughts?


  1. I am really digging the background..if you didn't say it was mylar I would have guessed it was some kind of landscape. What a good find! I like the idea that you have for this video...would be interesting to keep the one without sound and then make one that we could hear all your overlapping thoughts...

  2. do you know Warhol's video work?

    1. Only slightly. I haven't looked at it since going to the Warhol museum in Pittsburgh years ago. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll start looking again.
