Tuesday, November 20, 2012

burt reynolds?

So for the past couple months, I have been creating these really bad Photoshop collages (with a program that isn't even photoshop, but a free one that pretends to be) of Burt Reynolds's face put on top of my dad's face in family photographs that I have collected. The reason for Burt Reynolds is my dad's 'look' that he kept for years. The delicately placed hair and perfectly trimmed mustache. At first, it started as just a thing I was doing that coincided with the rules of engagement project. However, I've started to like them more and more as things. I've started printing them on transparencies and created mixed media works on top of that. But I am struggling with display issues as of right now.

Pretty Face, Culprit Hands 2012 Mixed Media collage - work in progress
I'm hoping to get these printed large on acetate or mylar and continue the same kind of work.


  1. i really like the last one. kinda has a baldassari feel about it!

    1. Thanks, me too. I need to print them large but every place so far won't print on acetate because their printers get too hot.
